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Western Victorian Climbing Club

6-13 January - Mt Buffalo week

Sat, 6 Jan 2024
06-01-2024 10:00
13-01-2024 12:00

The WVCC will be at Mt Buffalo during the second week of January 2024.

We will be camping at Lake Catani. If you haven't already got a campsite, then you probably won't find a site. For those wishing to come along who can't get a site at Lake Catani, contact Marc Graesser - graesser.marc.a@gmail.com OR call phone 0439 789 073.

The rock is granite, and mainly trad and multi-pitch. It isn't for the faint hearted as the run-outs can sometimes be long. This has changed though in recent years and there are now a mix of places that have been re-bolted and are easier on the head. Bring a full rack (nuts and a full set of cams, plus bolt plates).

All intending participants must contact the trip coordinator, Sam North,  prior to the trip to let him know you are coming, your level of experience and whether you need a climbing partner - and if you have any questions (03 5881 3100 AH; or email samuel.hs.north@gmail.com)

You will need to bring all the necessaries if you are camping the week.

  • camping gear - tent, mattress, sleeping bag, head torch, stove, pots, etc
  • food and water
  • suitable clothing - check the weather forecast (bring sunscreen and a hat). It can be cold at Mt Buffalo, even in mid-summer, so bring warm clothes and bedding as well as a rain coat.

You can find more detals on camping at Lake Catani campground by clicking the link.

Ticket Type Price
Attending Mt Buffalo base camp $0.00 Sale Ended
Lake Catani Campground
Mount Buffalo VIC 3740, Australia

For climbers living in country, Victoria, Australia

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