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Western Victorian Climbing Club

9-10 Dec, Mt Beckworth - 40th Anniversary base camp, BBQ & AGM

Sat, 9 Dec 2023
09-12-2023 08:00
10-12-2023 17:00

This year marks the 40th Anniversary of the WVCC. To celebrate, we are inviting all past and current members to join us for a BBQ at The Cork Oaks, Mt Beckworth, on Saturday 9 December, starting at 6:30 pm. The club will provide meat and soft drink. You will need to bring a salad - and alcohol if you want it. Please register here (i.e. get a "ticket") so we know numbers for catering.

We will also be climbing Saturday and Sunday and camping at the Cork Oaks Satuday night, if you wuold like to join us. The rock is granite, a mix of trad and bolted, and only single pitch. There is also some good bouldering to be had. Bring your rack (nuts and a full set of cams, plus bolt plates) and/or your bouldering pad.

We will be holding our annual AGM in the campground on Saturday evening. This will be followed by a short slide show - provided we can get our hands on a portable projector (if you have one to loan, contact Sam)

If you are coming, particularly for the BBQ, please contact the trip coordinator, Sam North, to let him know you are coming, your level of experience and whether you need a climbing partner - 03 5881 3100 AH; or email samuel.hs.north@gmail.com

You will need to bring all the necessaries if you are planning on camping the night.

  • camping gear - tent, mattress, sleeping bag, head torch, stove, pots, etc
  • food and water
  • suitable clothing - check the weather forecast (bring sunscreen and a hat)

You can find more detals on camping at Mt Beckworth at The Cork Oaks Picnic Area

Ticket Type Price
Attendance at base camp Attendance at base camp $0.00 Sale Ended
Cork Oaks campground, Mount Beckworth
Mount Beckworth VIC 3363, Australia

For climbers living in country, Victoria, Australia

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